Why we Exist…
Mission Statement- Go and Make Disciples
Vision Statement- To Develop Growing Followers of Jesus
Mission Statement- Go and Make Disciples
Vision Statement- To Develop Growing Followers of Jesus
We believe there is one God, who exists eternally as God the Father, Jesus the son and the Holy Spirit. God spoke the universe into existence with a few words. God is loving, just, holy and drawing all people back to Him.
We believe Jesus was born of a virgin named Mary. While Jesus was on earth, He lived a perfect life, died on a cross, was buried and rose from the dead on the third day. He did this to take our place and bare the punishment we deserved for our sins.
We believe the Holy Spirit was sent to us to be a helper, guide, comforter and advocate. Jesus said that it would be better that believers have the Holy Spirit dwell in them than He be with them. The Holy Spirit still works through people to accomplish God’s will and mission.
We believe the Bible to be without flaw and divinely inspired by God. It serves as believers ultimate authority, foundation and guide.
We believe salvation is made possible through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and resurrection from the dead. This is the gospel which is offered to everyone who repents, believes, is baptized and accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior. This is a free gift of grace that cannot be earned or purchased.
We believe that sin separates us from God and that we can’t “do good enough works” in order to get rid of sin. The Bible describes sin as if we knew right and choose wrong or knew wrong and choose it anyways. All have sinned and fallen short of God’s glorious standard.
We believe the Church is the primary vehicle in which God intends to draw the world back to Himself. We are FOR the big “C” church, not just ourselves. We take Jesus commission in Matthew 28 seriously, which is to “Go and Make Disciples”.
We believe that life doesn’t end at death on earth. We believe that we are all eternal beings created to live in community with God and one another. Everyone has the ability to choose whether or not to spend eternity with God. Eternity with God is what we would call Heaven. Eternity without God is what we would call Hell.
We believe that we are better together than apart. We are communal beings, like our God, and we are called to build each other up, confess our sins to each other and love one another as ourselves.
Rick Beyer - Part Time Minister - rickbeyer@zoomtown.com
Dave Huddleston - Elder
Bob Kaser - Elder